What is Friday Night Funkin'?
Do you miss going out and playing games like Dance Dance Revolution? Here is a game similar to it that you can play in the comfort of your home! Friday Night Funkin' is a rhythm and music game that can be played on your Computers and software like Microsoft, Mac IOS, etc. It was released on the 5th of October,2020 though it was re-released with all other changes and the correct prototype on 1st November,2020. 
Friday Night Funkin's Premise:
The storyline and procedure of the game go like this:
- The player will be playing as a Boyfriend, who is a College Dropout and wants to become a World Famous wrapper.
- He has to fight to win his girlfriend.
- But he has to face an obstacle i.e., the girlfriend's father who was a rockstar himself.
- "Daddy Dearest" does not approve of the relationship, and tries to stop them from being together.
- At last, daddy challenges the boyfriend for face-offs and other singing competitions to prove his worth and win his daughter.
How to play Friday Night Funkin'?
It's dancing time at home on your computers! Let's know how to play Friday Night Funkin' without any delay!
Controls of the Game:
We talked about Dance Dance Revolution to almost the same as Friday Night Funkin', didn't we? So, the controls and the way of playing are almost the same, You press the proper colored arrows as they appear on the screen, timing it such that it overlaps the marker exactly. Use arrow keys to operate. Following are the control keys:
- To pause the game Press 'P' or 'Enter Key'.
- All the key operations can be seen in the Options.
- and - keys, control the volume, use respectively.
- If the player loses, he/she has an option of playing again or going back to the home/main screen.
- The player is scored on his timings.
- There are 6 ways in which the game gives scores, on the timing of the players:
- Over the Top: It's the highest possible score. It will award you 350 points. To obtain this, press the key precisely when the arrow hits the marker's center. As the note will make a splash effect, you'll know you got this point.
- Fairly Good: If you push the key when the arrow is just above/below the center of the marker, you'll get this score. It will provide you with 200 points!
- Can go better: If you push the key only a fraction of a second after the arrow reaches the marker. You'll gain 100 points for this.
- Oops! : You'll get 50 points if you press the key late after the arrow reaches the marker. This is not the lowest score though!
- Slip: When you miss or slip the key, you get either zero marks or even a minus marking! Minus marking is -10, in the game. Lol! Yeah! Your points can also be taken away from you!
Keep in mind, the more score you have, the more health your Boyfriend has... If you miss the key and get the minus marking, Boyfriend will start losing his health.
Friday Night Funkin' Week:
Week means the levels of the game. Each level has different tasks and things to do, with different setup and background. Let's know what happens each week:
- Week 1: "Daddy Dearest": The first week/level has an antagonist, Daddy Dearest. The player has to fight him at 'The Stage'. Bopeedo, Fresh, and Dadbattle are the songs that will be played this week.
- Week 2: "Halloween Month." This week's antagonists are Skid & Pump and Monster. At 'The Spooky House', you'll be battling it out with tracks like Spookez, South, and Monster.
- Week 3: “Pico Gangster”. Pico is the antagonist for this week/level. Pico, Philly, and Blammed are the tracks you'll be fighting with at the 'Newgrounds Office Building'.
- Week 4: “Mommy Must Murder”. The antagonist for this week/level is Mommy Dearest. You’ll be battling at 'The Limousine' with the tracks Satin Panties, High, and M.I.L.F.
- Week 5: “The Snow”. The antagonists for this week/level are Daddy Dearest, Mommy, and Monster. You’ll be battling it out at 'The Mall' with tracks Cocoa, Eggnog, and Winter Horrorland.
- Week 6: “Hating Simulator”. The antagonists for this week/level are Senpai and Spirit, where you’ll battle it out at 'The School'. Tracks you’ll be battling it to are Senpai, Roses, and Thorns.
- Week 7: “Tankman”. This is currently the final week/level of the game. The antagonist for this week is Tankman and you’ll be battling it out at the 'Restricted Military Zone' and to the tracks Ugh, Guns, and Stress.

Friday Night Funkin' Tips:
Here are some tips you can adapt before playing Friday Night Funkin' for securing good scores and clearing the levels easily:
- Play it Easy: Choose the easy and the medium levels at first, don't get overconfident, and jump onto hard. Practice the game and get a hang of it by playing Easy week-Level.
- Controls: Play with your fingers faster, practice it at home. Go with the WASD controls as well as the arrows. Before playing keep all the controls in mind.
- Track Listening: Listen to the tracks beforehand, that when you enter the next week you know which keys to enter and how to proceed with it, without misses and losing points.
- Other Games: You can always practice in other similar games like Dance Dance Revolution and likewise so that when you play Friday Dunkin', you have a lot of practice beforehand itself!
- Know your worth: Make sure you're confident about it and also have enough practice to crack each week without any difficulty!
Happy Playing!
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